Request for Proposals - RFP # MOCR202403
The Municipality of the County of Richmond (MCOR) has declared the former Walter Fougere School located at 19 School Rd., Evanston, NS, PID# 75221366, 75035865, surplus and will consider proposals from proponents for the purchase and use of the building and property.
The detailed Request for Proposals is available from the Provincial Procurement Services Web Portal at or may be requested electronically by contacting the undersigned. Not necessarily the lowest or any bid will be accepted.
Request for Proposals may be submitted in a sealed envelope marked “RFP-MOCR202403-WF”, or in an email to the undersigned with the subject line to read “RFP-MOCR202403-WF”, no later than 2:00 pm on Wednesday April 17, 2024.
Municipality of the County of Richmond
P.O. Box 120
2357, Highway 206
Arichat, Nova Scotia
B0E 1A0
For further information please call 902-226-2400.