The Municipality of the County of Richmond has a Dangerous and Unsightly Premises policy. It is the desire of Council that every property in the Municipality of the County of Richmond be maintained to prevent any danger or unsightliness. Council has appointed the Eastern District Planning Commission as the administrator for dangerous and unsightly premises. This is a complaint-driven process that starts by directly contacting the Eastern District Planning Commission. The definition of danagerous and unslighlty premises is defined by the Municipal Government Act. [ Section 3(r) and derelict vehicle is defined in Section 3(v)]
pdf Dangerous and Unsighly Complaint Form (64 KB)
pdf Municipality of the County of Richmond Dangerous and Unsighly Premises Policy (849 KB)
pdf Municipal Government Act (2.83 MB)
Contact Information
Eastern District Planning Commission
606 Reeves St., Unit 3
Port Hawkesbury, Nova Scotia B9A 2R7
Ph: (902) 625-5361
Toll Free: 1-888-625-5361
Completed Forms
Completed forms may be mailed, emailed for faxed to the Eastern District Planning Commission, the contact information is located above.