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Isle Madame Community Spirit Award, 2024

 This Saturday, August 31, 2024, Isle Madame will receive the Lieutenant Governor's Community Spirit Award! The Award is one that celebrates the power, strength, and diversity of vibrant communities across Nova Scotia.

Isle Madame put forward a strong application that drew on the strengths and unique characteristics of communities across the Island. From collaborating community halls to preserving cultures, and from celebrating festivals to honoring veterans, Isle Madame demonstrated that it truly embodies the concept of Community Spirit! It’s an Award that will be made just that extra bit special by being presented by a Lieutenant Governor, the Honorable Arthur LeBlanc, who is originally from here and still affectionately calls Isle Madame "home." The Island holds a special place in the hearts of those who have lived or visited here.

Isle Madame joins previous recipients of the Community Spirit Award in Richmond County including South Mountain Arm of Gold (2007), the Village of St. Peter's (2014), and Potlotek First Nation (2019). If you were ever in doubt that there's something special about Richmond County, that is some very clear evidence!

On behalf of Municipal Council, I’m extending a huge congratulations to the award application team and to all residents of Isle Madame for this extremely well-deserved recognition!

Amanda Mombourquette
Warden, Richmond County
Councillor, District 4

pdf 2024 Aug 29 Isle Madame Community Spirit Congratulations (593 KB)