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Municipal Office - 2357 Highway 206, P.O. Box 120, Arichat, Nova Scotia B0E 1A0
(902) 226-2400, Toll Free: 1-800-567-2600


Nova Scotia Building Code Regulations: Public Notice

The Government of Nova Scotia is considering amendments to the Nova Scotia Building Code Regulations. Nova Scotians are invited to provide feedback on the proposed changes by 29 September 2023.

The proposed amendments to the Nova Scotia Building Code Regulations are required to adopt the 2020 National Building Code, National Plumbing Code and National Energy Code for Buildings as the minimum standards for construction in the province.

The amendments are proposed to come into effect on or after 1 January 2024.

How to participate

Nova Scotians are invited to review the proposed amendments and provide their feedback. The deadline for submitting your comments is 29 September 2023.

Review the Nova Scotia Building Code Proposed Regulations (PDF) and Draft Amendments Schedule A to C (PDF) before sending your comments.

You can submit your comments by email or mail.

Joe Rogers
Building Code Coordinator
PO Box 231
Halifax Central
Halifax, Nova Scotia, B3J 2M4

For Questions or more information 

Phone: 902-424-5721
Toll-free (within Nova Scotia): 1-800-559-3473

* The document can also be viewed at the Municipal Administration Office during regular office hours.

Check in at the front desk. The document will be located in Council Chambers along with contact numbers if you have questions.